GLP Batch Release Testing with the EAE Model
API samenessfor products used in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis may be demonstrated by showing equivalence of biological activity in Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EAE) studies in comparison to Copaxone®.
EAE is a complex condition characterized by the interplay of immunological and neurological mechanisms that mimics key pathological features of Multiple Sclerosis (inflammation, demyelination, axonal loss and gliosis).Several drugs that are used to treat Multiple Sclerosis have been developed, tested and validated using the EAE model.
Our in vivo laboratories offer OECD-GLP MOG-Induced EAE for QC clinical batch release testing. We offer comprehensive clinical scoring of disease severity, in vivo electrophysiology as a biomarker, and GLP certified histopathology services for the analysis of inflammatory tissues.
For Batch Release Testing, contact us.
Scientific Data
Electrophysiology (EP) unveils motor and sensory phenomenons in Neuroinflammatory Diseases such as MS/EAE. By adding electrophysiology to studies, we are able to detect changes in disease severity when clinical scores aren't sensitive enough to reflect changes, predict what may happen in the motor system prior to clinical scores showing changes, and understand the neuroprotective effects of therapeutics.
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EAE Datasheet
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