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Neural Connections Blog

MD Biosciences insights discussing preclinical research in Pain and Neurodegenerative Conditions

a translational pig model by MD Biosciences, a preclinical CRO specialized in pain and neurodegeneration models

A minipig Model of Incisional pain

The use of animal models for the research of post-operative pain (POP) has been well described[1]. Most POP studies that have been performed to date...

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MOG-induced EAE preclinical CRO for neurodegenerative and CNS

Do clinical scores tell us all we need to know?

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers. People suffering from this autoimmune...

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measuring pain behaviors in preclinical models

Assessing and measuring pain behaviors in preclinical studies

Pain plays an important role in human life acting as a defense mechanism that protects us from harm. When pain becomes continuous or uncontrolled, it...

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in vivo electrophysiology

What electrophysiology brings to preclinical studies

Neurons communicate with each other as well as other muscles and organs through electrical events called action potentials and neurochemical...

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Why are potential pain therapies getting lost in translation?

It is estimated that 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from Chronic pain. While research has seen tremendous advances in our understanding of pain...

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Monitoring pain in EAE animals experiencing paralysis

Many neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and Rhett Syndrome involve paralysis. When developing new treatments, it is...

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preclinical drug development

3 ways to improve clinical relevance of preclinical CNS data

The success rate from first candidate to market launch is less than 1%, requiring approximately 22 hits for every drug launched. Within...

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translational models preclinical research CRO in pain and CNS disorders

Pain Studies In Pig: advantages for nerve blocks, local & systemic therapies

MD Biosciences lab has an exclusive expertise in pain studies in the pig. Our scientists have developed an acute model and a neuropathic model in...

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Weekly Science Blog: Possible Therapies for Spinal Cord Injuries, Reversal for Inflammatory Diseases and More!

It's Tuesday, which means MD Biosciences is providing coverage of the latest fascinating and innovative discoveries happening all over the world...

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