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The contributions we are making in the field of pain and CNS research. Want to know more? 




Intradermally injected abobotulinumtoxinA administered preemptively before surgery alleviates post-surgical pain and normalizes behavior in a translational animal model. Kalinichev, M., Cornet, S., Castel, D., Meilin, S., Horne, R., Pons, L., Evans, S. M., & Lezmi, S. (2025) Nature.


An Injectable Oleogel‑based Bupivacaine Formulation for Prolonged Non‑Opioid Post‑Operative Analgesia. Wojtalewicz, S., Shuckra, J., Barger, K., Erickson, S., Vizmeg, J., Niederauer, S., Simpson, A., Davis, J., Schauder, A., Hifi, O., Castel, D., Meilin, S., Agarwal, J., Lade, C., & Davis, B. (2024). 


2-iminobiotin, a selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, improves memory and learning in a rat model after four vessel occlusion, mimicking cardiac arrest, Peeters-Scholte C, Meilin S, Berckovich Y, Westers P (2023) PLoS ONE 18(9): e0291915.


A Novel Sensory Wave (P25) in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein-induced Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Murine Model, Yoav Shulman et al., (2023) The Journal of Pain.


Intraoperative abobotulinumtoxinA alleviates pain after surgery and improves general wellness in a translational animal model Sylvie Cornet, Denis Carré, Lorenzo Limana, David Castel, Sigal Meilin, Ron Horne, Laurent Pons, Steven Evans, Stephane Lezmi & Mikhail Kalinichev (2022) Nature.


A systematic review of porcine models in translational pain research Suzan Meijs, Martin Schmelz, Sigal Meilin & Winnie Jensen. (2021) Nature Lab Animal.


Validation of a Gottingen Minipig Model of Post-Operative Incisional Pain: Castel D1, Schauder A2, Aizenberg I3 and Meilin S2* (2021).


Open-field and behavior score in PNT model for neuropathic pain in pigs: Castel, D., Sabbage, I., Peng, S. and Meilin, S. (2018). 


Porcine model of peripheral neuritis: translational platform for neuropathic pain: Rice, F., Castel, D., Ruggiero, E., Dockum, M., Houk, G., Sabbag, I., Albrecht, P. and Meilin, S. (2018). 


The effect of local analgesics on incisional pain in pig model: Castel, D., Sabbag, I., Meilin, S. (2017).



PNT Model: Castel D., Sabbag I., Brenner O., Meilin S. (2016), Peripheral Neuritis Trauma in Pigs: A Neuropathic Pain Model. Journal of Pain, 17:36–49. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2015.09.011


Characterization of a porcine model of post‐operative pain: Castel, D., Willentz, E., Doron, O., Brenner, O. and Meilin, S. (2014), Characterization of a porcine model of post-operative pain. European Journal of Pain, 18: 496–505. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00399.x


4VO model: Meilin, S., Machicao, F., & Elmlinger, M. (2014). Treatment with Actovegin improves spatial learning and memory in rats following transient forebrain ischaemia. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (8), 1623–1630. doi:10.1111/jcmm.12297


Treatment With Actovegin Improves Spatial Learning and Memory in Rats Following Transient Forebrain Ischemia: Elmlinger, M., Machicao, F., and Meilin, S. (2014).


Abstracts & Citations

Pig Diabetic Wound Healing: Chemokine-Capturing Wound Contact Layer Rescues Dermal Healing. Lucas Schirmer, Passant Atallah, Uwe Freudenberg, Carsten Werner. July 2021. Advanced Science.


Pig Post-operative Pain: Mechanism of action of HTX-011: a novel, extended-release, dual-acting local anesthetic formulation for postoperative pain. Ottoboni T, Quart B, Pawasauskas J, Dasta JF, Pollak RA, Viscusi ER.  Reg Anesth Pain Med. Dec 2019 


4VO model: Practical Applications of in Vivo and ex Vivo MRI in Toxicologic Pathology Using a Novel High-performance Compact MRI System. Tempel-Brami C, Schiffenbauer YS, Nyska A, Ezov N, Spector, Abramovitch R, Maronpot RR. Toxicol Pathol. 2015 Feb 18. pii: 0192623314568390.


CIPN model: HDAC6 Inhibition Effectively Reverses Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy



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