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Tyrosine hydroxylase antibody in mouse brain

IHC staining using anti Tyrosine hydroxylase antibody(TH) in mouse brain (coronal plane). Dopaminergic cells in the Substantia Nigra are positively stained. Scale bar- 100µm.


IHC_tyrosine hydroxylase antibody_MD Biosciences


CD31 in Pig skin

IHC staining using anti CD31 antibody in Pig skin (wound healing model). Blood vessels are positively stained and can be counted using AI-based...

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MBP in rat spinal cord

IHC staining using anti Myelin Basic Protein antibody (MBP) in rat spinal cord (transverse plane). White matter is positively stained. Scale bar-...

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IENF Analysis of plantar skin

Intra-epidermal nerve fibers in plantar skin of hind paws from mice are visualized using anti- PGP9.5 antibody

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