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Research of Pain Group



RPG Background


The RPG initiative is a collaboration between Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs, Novo Nordisk, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and MD Biosciences. Our scientific committee includes Susi Søgaard, Cathrine Juel Bundgaard, Anneli Rydén, David (Didi) Castel, Orna Hifi and Sigal Meilin.

RPG Group Logo




Animal research involves painful procedures to varying degrees, yet little is known or shared about pain and anesthesia in pigs. The mission of this group is to address this issue by increasing shared knowledge on pain and anesthesia in pigs. We envision a space where members of the community can ask questions and share their knowledge.

Our goal is to create a community of individuals working with pigs who are interested in pain management and research, including animal caretakers, research assistants, veterinary nurses, animal technicians, veterinarians, students, and PhD researchers. We aim to improve animal welfare in accordance with the 5 Rs—Reduction, Replacement, Refinement, Responsibility, and Relevance. Additionally, we strive to highlight the importance of this subject by providing free access to scientific materials and sharing human experiences. Another key objective is to standardize the evaluation and management of pain scoring, ensuring a more consistent and effective approach to pain assessment. 



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Watch our on-demand webinars on the latest developments in preclinical research models and increasing the translational value of development programs. 

Minipig Webinar

Story of the POP Model

Outcome measures Webinar



Upcoming Conferences


Topics Addressed in the RPG Initiative

  • Which drug to use? What is the dose? What is the route of administration? What is the treatment regimen? What are the side effects of each drug?

  • Are there an additionals method besides drug therapy?

  • Sometimes we encounter situations with controversial results: one lab suggests that a particular treatment works, while another lab believes that the same treatment does not work. This open discussion aims to better understand the source of discrepancies.

  • PK-PD questions

  • Each lab uses specific pain scoring systems. A unified pain scoring system may help us better understand the different results from various labs.

  • Pain models in pigs: Given that pigs mimic the human peripheral nervous system and skin, it is important to further develop animal models with better translational relevance to humans.

  • Sharing experiences regarding analgesia/anesthesia and its effects in different types of studies and discussing alternative types of anesthesia/analgesia that can be used when results might be affected by the drugs.

  • Training in various procedures can help minimize the use of anesthesia and, at times, analgesia as well.