By: MD Biosciences on Nov 22, 2019 11:36:22 AM
MD Biosciences lab has an exclusive expertise in pain studies in the pig. Our scientists have developed an acute model and a neuropathic model in pigs. Both models include a variety of assays that allows us to record spontaneous changes in behavior as well as stimuli induced withdrawal response and electrophysiology monitoring. (Why electrophysiology?)
Contact us today to learn how pig studies can benefit your research programs and enhance results of your studies.
The models allow for the assessment of new nerve blocks, local and systemic therapies. Please find publications regarding pig studies here.
When we do recommend to work with minipigs?
MD Biosciences pigs studies include domestic and Göttingen minipigs.
The main advantage of the minipig is that it gains weight much slower than the domestic pig. This could be significant when: